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What are Target Points?
06 Jan

What are Target Points?

Posted By: METBOWS Times Read: 89 Comments: 0

Archery Target Points are an important performance indicator in archery. Target Points measure how accurate and precise the archer's shots are and are used to rank athletes when they compete on equal terms. The points that can be obtained for the same target may vary depending on factors such as the distance of the archer to the target, the size of the target, or the wind strength if outdoors. Archery Target Points allow archers and coaches to monitor the archer's performance and serve as a criterion for improving their performance.

In archery, target paper points consist of equal diameters that increase in number from the outside to the inside. It usually consists of a paper with dots containing various numbers, and points are earned by shooting arrows at these dots. These points may change when shooting at different parts of the target board. For example, a higher score is obtained when shooting in the middle of the target board, while a lower score is obtained when shooting outside the target board. These points are usually used in tournaments and competitions and are used to measure the performance of archers. Archery target board scores are relatively similar in concept, although the paper changes in the reel and Olympic archery branches, while the target called puta has a self-scored system in traditional archery. Of course, since the coating cost is high, direct-scored puta-shaped target papers are also used in target boards in other branches.

Interesting Fact: Although the expression "hitting the target from 12" originated in archery, this is not valid today. In archery, the target is hit from 10 at most :) If the archer's shot is at the center of the target, the maximum score is 10 points, and if it is towards the outside of the target, it decreases and gets points going towards zero:

White Ring 1

White Ring 2

Black Ring 1

Black Ring 2

Blue Ring 1

Blue Ring 2

Red Ring 1

Red Ring 2

Yellow Ring 1

Yellow Ring 2

The points increase from the outside to the inside.

Target papers used in Olympic and compound archery vary according to different competition types, age category and distance. For the best information, you can review our description at the end of our target paper category page.

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